tisdag 11 december 2018

Landshark animated

I threw together a land shark last night in blender. It was a fun idea i had, what if there was a shark in the lake, and when you get close to it, it chases you out of the water and runs after it.
I made it in blender then rigged and animated it in Mixamo. Since Mixamo only can do human characters and skeleton, the animations got rather silly, and since there was no "shark biting" animation, i decided to go all in and choose the silliest attack animations, since one of our selling points was gonna be bizzare humor. It is unlikely tho that we will have time to add the landshark to the demo.

Here we see the shark swimming

Here we see the shark crawling on land. There was no way to make it walk properly due to the human skeleton it now possesed. Imagien thinking you are safe on land then having this chase after you out of the water.

Here is the first attack animation, the "hurricane kick".

Here is the second attack animation, the "bicycle kick".

torsdag 29 november 2018

Here are some bear animations!

Here are some of the bears animations


Here is one of its attack animations, the sweeping attack.

Here is another attack animation, the jumping attack.

Here is an idle roaring animation.

Here is its dying animation.

Here he is walking with his arms above his head.

These are the main animations i think, i have a few others but they mostly look the same.

onsdag 28 november 2018

Mixamo responds! The battle advances! Success at last?!

I have finally managed to figure out how to get Mixamo to accept my model; It was simply a matter of removing the skeleton and rigging the thing on Mixamo. It was a simple matter of designating where each joint was on the character, then they did all the work for you. And then it was just a matter of adding the animations you wanted to use. Will try and get some screen recordings of the animations in action!

Some more problems with the bear

Im trying to use the animation cheat site Mixamo in order to put some animations on my bear. Its a webpage where you upload your character model and then simply select which animation you wanna use it and it animates it for you. However, i cant for the life of me figure out how to get Mixamo to accept my bear model. My weight mapping issues are fixed, and the legs move as i command them too. It seems to think there are problems with my models bones, but even after redoing and changing the skeleton a few times, it refuses to accept it. Im thwarted at every advance.
Why cant i get Mixamo to love me?

måndag 26 november 2018

Some progress on the bear!

After a long time spent on youtube tutorials on blender, i have finally been able to make some headway my bear model, rigging it with a skeleton. It still has some issues with the weight mapping, making its limbs move around a bit...wrong. In the left picture here, we can see the bear with its mouth open, by rotating its mouthbone. The mouth bones and the head bones have a limited rotation constraint on them, so they dont flop around all over the place.
On the left here, we see the full skeleton. I felt the bear having a complete spine was a waste of good bones, but atleast his posture is impeccable.

 In the left picture here, we seen the bear and its skeleton in its full glory. On the left here, we see some of the weightmapping issues, and what problems arise when you rotate the arms. The left (the bears left) arm moves perfectly, but the claws refuses to follow the arm. The right arm bends in unpredicatble and a bit sloppy ways, while its claws have a mind of their own and goes way too far. Not sure how i will solve these problems, gonna look more into weightmapping

torsdag 8 november 2018

Some start of the bears blender model!


Today i managed to make some bear head models in Blender. The head and face is one piece, and the ears are seperate pieces. 

Using the furhat from the russian soldier, the bear could also become part of the russian intelligence service and also do its duty for its country! Today you can stand proud Bear!

After some more work, the bear also got arms and a body. *Legs sold seperatly

tisdag 6 november 2018

Some more concept art!

Today i started to learn Blender, in order to make some of the models for the game, and to make some more concept art. One of the firs things i managed to make, after some heafty tutorials, was the russian soldier! Or atleast the head of him. He lacks eyes or other facial features, but he got the furhat and scarf!

 Here was how i imagined the encounter with the bear would be, between the old and withered gunslinger-gold-miner and the giant bear. This was simply made in photoshop, and would not really represent in the ingame product, since we decided to go more for a lowpoly style.
And down below, you can see the same picture, but now with the Russian Snapchat filter applied on top!

 And finally here, we have the long longed-for Landshark. A being whose structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.
The perfect organism.